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  • 2007 ~ 2011,北京科技大学 博士


  • 2016 ~ 2018,橡树岭国家实验室 博士后
  • 2012 ~ 2015,俄亥俄州立大学核工系 博士后
  • 2011 ~ 2012,清华大学核研院 博士后


  • Qingfeng Dong, Yanjun Fang, Yuchuan Shao, Pahraic Mulligan, Jie Qiu, Lei Cao, Jinsong Huang. Electron-Hole Diffusion Lengths > 175 μm in Solution Grown CH3NH3PbI3 Single Crystals. Science. 347:6225. 2015.
  • Jie Qiu, Dandan He, Mingzhai Sun, Shimeng Li, Cun Wen, Jason Hattrick-Simpers, Yuan F. Zheng, Lei Cao. Effects of Neutron and Gamma Radiation on Lithium-ion Batteries. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B. 345:27. 2015.
  • Danny X. Liu, Jinghui Wang, Pan Ke, Qiu J, Marcello Canova, Lei. R. Cao, Anne C. Co. In Situ Quantification and Visualization of Lithium Transport with Neutrons. Angewandte Chemie. 53(36):9498-9502. 2014
  • Mulligan P, Qiu J, Wang J, Cao LR. Study of GaN Radiation Sensor after In-core Neutron Irradiation. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 61(4): 2040 - 2044. 2014
  • Qiu J, Cao L, Mulligan P, Thrkoglu D, Nagpure SC, Canova M, Co A. The Potential of Using Li-ion Batteries for Radiation Detection. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 60(2): 662-667. 2013.
  • Qiu J, Katz E, Lin C Cao L, Brillson LJ. The Effect of Thermal Reactor Neutron Irradiation on Semi-Insulating GaN. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids. 168(11-12): 1-9. 2013.
  • Lin C, Katz J, Qiu J, Zhang Z, Mishra UK, Cao L, Brillson LJ. Neutron irradiation effects on gallium nitride-based Schottky diodes. Applied Physics Letters. 103(16): 162106(1-5). 2013.