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Research Engineer, Mine Paris


  • 1970 ~ 至今,罗马大学 硕士
  • 1970 ~ 至今,杜伦大学工程学院 博士


  • Michiorri, A.; Taylor, PC; Jupe, SCE; Berry, CJ;;Investigation into the influence of environmental conditions on power system ratings", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy",223,7,743-757,2009,Prof Eng Publishing
  • Jupe, SCE; Taylor, PC; Michiorri, A.;;Coordinated output control of multiple distributed generation schemes", Renewable Power Generation, IET",4,3,283-297,2010,IET
  • Michiorri, A.; Taylor, PC; Jupe, SCE;;Overhead line real-time rating estimation algorithm: description and validation", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy",224,3,293-304,2010,Sage Publications
  • Michiorri, A.; Taylor, P.C.;;Forecasting real-time ratings for electricity distribution networks using weather forecast data" Electricity Distribution-Part 1, 2009. CIRED 2009. 20th International Conference and Exhibition on", 1-4, 2009, IET
  • Roberts, D.; Taylor, P.; Michiorri, A.;;Dynamic thermal rating for increasing network capacity and delaying network reinforcements", SmartGrids for Distribution, 2008. IET-CIRED. CIRED Seminar", 1-4, 2008, IET,
  • Samuel C. E. Jupe, Andrea Michiorri and Philip C. Taylor (2009). "Increasing the Energy Yield of Generation from New and Renewable Energy Resources", Renewable Energy, T J Hammons (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-7619-52-7, InTech
  • MICHIORRI, A.; ,"Power system real-time thermal rating estimation", 2010, Durham University
  • Andrea MICHIORRI, Robert CURRIE, Philip TAYLOR, D.M.; ,DYNAMIC LINE RATINGS DEPLOYMENT ON THE ORKNEY SMART GRID, CIRED 21st International Conference on Electricity Distribution,2011,
  • Andrea MICHIORRI, Robert CURRIE, Gareth McLORN,; ,"AN ASSESSMENT OF THE ECONOMIC IMPACT OF ACTIVE NETWORK MANAGEMENT ALTERNATIVES", CIRED 21st International Conference on Electricity Distribution, 2011