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主要研究方向为中子散射材料表征技术,主持上海交大中子衍射工程应力谱仪“河图”和中子小角散射谱仪“洛书”的自主设计和建设工作,先后主持包括国家重点研发计划项目、3项国家自然科学基金、航空科学基金等十余项科研项目,在Acta Materialia、International Journal of Plasticity等学术期刊上发表SCI期刊论文50 余篇,申请发明专利20 余项、撰写国家标准2项,主编本科教材3本,2017、2022年两次获上海市教学成果一等奖。


  • 2009 ~ 2012,法国原子能署-巴黎11大 博士
  • 2007 ~ 2009,法国国立高等工程与技术学院 硕士
  • 2003 ~ 2007,上海交通大学 学士


  • 2021 ~ 至今,上海交通大学 巴黎高科卓越工程师学院/材料科学与工程学院(双聘)教授
  • 2019 ~ 至今,上海交通大学 材料科学与工程学院,博导
  • 2016 ~ 2020,上海交通大学 巴黎高科卓越工程师学院/材料科学与工程学院(双聘)副教授
  • 2012 ~ 2015,上海交通大学 巴黎高科卓越工程师学院/材料科学与工程学院(双聘)讲师





  • 研究方向为中子散射材料表征技术,主持上海交大中子衍射工程应力谱仪“河图”和中子小角散射谱仪“洛书”的自主设计和建设工作,担任上海交通大学中子科学研究中心主任。先后主持包括国家重点研发计划项目、3项国家自然科学基金、航空科学基金等十余项科研项目,在Acta Materialia、International Journal of Plasticity等学术期刊上发表SCI期刊论文40 余篇,申请发明专利20 余项、撰写国家标准2项,主编本科教材2本,2017、2022年两次获上海市教学成果一等奖。


  • 国家重点研发计划《面向核结构材料服役评价的多参量中子同步测试新技术》 , 科研项目 , 国家级 , 负责人
  • 上海交通大学重点前瞻布局基金《面向航空发动机关键部件的中子衍射应力仪光束精密控制系统》 , 科研项目 , 国家级 , 负责人
  • 国家自然科学基金《基于CMRR堆RSND谱仪的中子三维定向衍射技术开发》 , 科研项目 , 国家级 , 负责人
  • 上海交通大学重点建设项目《中子科学及应用技术研究平台建设》 , 科研项目 , 国家级 , 负责人
  • 国家自然科学基金《针对金属材料纳米结构的中子/高能X射线小角散射定量研究》 , 科研项目 , 国家级 , 负责人
  • 中物院中子物理学重点实验室课题《多晶材料的三维定向中子原位衍射方法研究》 , 科研项目 , 国家级 , 负责人
  • 航空科学基金《铝基复合材料超塑性变形机制及本构模型研究》 , 科研项目 , 国家级 , 负责人
  • 国家科学自然基金《超细晶铝合金纳米析出相的 SANS/SAXS 研究》 , 科研项目 , 国家级 , 负责人


  • Design of a three-detector system on LUOSHU: a small-angle neutron scattering instrument at China Mianyang Research Reactor, Yifei Tang, Shengyi Zhong*, Guanyun Yan, Jie Chen, Journal of Applied Crystallography, 56, 2023, 1252-1260
  • Quantitative assessment of the influence of the Portevin-Le Chatelier effect on the flow stress in precipitation hardening AlMgScZr alloys,Han Chen, Yanchi Chen, Yifei Tang, Gang Ji, Yves Bréchet, Shengyi Zhong*, Haowei Wang, Guanyun Yan, Zhe Chen*, Acta Materialia, 255, 2023, 119060
  • Statistical analysis of slip transfer in Al alloy based on in-situ tensile test and high-throughput computing method, Xiaojiao You, Jian Yang, Chengyi Dan, Qiwei Shi, Shengyi Zhong, Haowei Wang, Zhe Chen, International Journal of Plasticity, 166, 2023, 103649
  • Fabrication of equiaxed ultrafine-grained structures in TiB2/Al-Mg-Gd neutron shielding composites by powder metallurgy routines, Chen Yang, Kangbao Wang, Chenyi Dan, Jie Huang, Mingliang Wang*, Zhe Chen, Shengyi Zhong* , Xianfeng Li, Haowei Wang, Materials Characterization, 200, 2023, 112889
  • Structural-functional integrated TiB2/Al–Mg-Gd composite with efficient neutron shielding phases and superior mechanical properties, Yang Chen, Yuechen Chen, Haoyu Zhai, Feifei Wang, Mingliang Wang, Zhe Chen, Shengyi Zhong*, Xianfeng Li, Haowei Wang, Intermetallics, Volume 148, 2022, 107630
  • VSAS: a smart small-angle scattering data processing tool, S Shi, S Zhong*, L Jin, Y Tang, H Lin, Nuclear Analysis, 2022, 100012
  • HRTex: a high-resolution texture data processing tool for monochromatic neutron diffraction based on the pixel projection method,Jian Yang, Shengyi Zhong*, Vladimir Luzin, Jian Li, Xiaolong Liu, Chengyi Dan, Journal of Applied Crystallography,2022, 55, 425-435
  • Effects of nanosized precipitates on the Portevin-Le Chatelier behavior: Model prediction and experimental verification, H Chen, Z Chen, Y Chen, G Ji, S Zhong, H Wang, Y Ke, Y Bréchet, Materialia 21, 2022, 101299
  • The influence of shearable and nonshearable precipitates on the Portevin-Le Chatelier behavior in precipitation hardening AlMgScZr alloys, Han Chen, Zhe Chen*, Gang Ji, Shengyi Zhong*, Haowei Wang, András Borbély, Yubin Ke, Yves Bréchet, International Journal of Plasticity 147, 2021,103120
  • Constitutive modeling of flow stress and work hardening behavior while considering dynamic strain aging, Han Chen, Zhe Chen*, Jun Liu, Yi Wu, Chengyi Dan, Shengyi Zhong*, Haowei Wang, Yves Bréchet, Materialia 18, 2021,101137
  • Braking Force Model on Virus Transmission to Evaluate Interventions Including the Administration of COVID-19 Vaccines - Worldwide, 2019-2021, Zhong Shengyi,Chen Zhe,Wang Yun,Sheng Pucong,Shi Shuxin,Lyu Yongxi,Bai Ruobing,Wang Pengyu,Dong Jiangjing,Ba Jianbo,Qu Xinmiao,Lu Jian. China CDC weekly,2021,3(41):
  • Experimental and modelling assessment of ductility in a precipitation hardening AlMgScZr alloy,H Chen, Z Chen*, G Ji, S Zhong*, H Wang, A Borbély, Y Ke, Y Brechét,International Journal of Plasticity 139, 2021,102971
  • The neutron shielding modeling and experimental characteristic in TiB2/Al composites,H Zhai, S Zhong*, J Li, Y Chen, Y Cui, Z Chen, G Sun, H Wang,Materials Today Communications 27, 2021,102194
  • Spark plasma sintering mechanisms of the Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys and TiB2/Al-Zn-Mg-Cu composites,Q. Yang, D.L. Cheng,F.G. Zhang,Q.W. Shi,Z. Chen*,M.L. Wang,S.Y. Zhong* Y. Wu,H.W. Wang,Materials Characterization,172, 2021, 110825
  • Strategy of Residual Stress Determination on Selective Laser Melted Al Alloy Using XRD,Yujiong Chen, Hua Sun, Zechen Li ,Yi Wu, Yakai Xiao, Zhe Chen ,Shengyi Zhong* ,Haowei Wang,Materials, 2020, 13, 451
  • Anisotropic behavior of TiB2 nanoparticles reinforced 2024Al composites rolling sheet, J.M. Lia, J. Liu, L. Wang, Z. Chen, Q.W. Shi, C.Y. Dan, Y. Wu, S.Y.Zhong*, H.W. Wang; Materials Characterization, 2020, 162, 110196.
  • Microstructure and mechanical response of TiB2/Al–Zn–Mg–Cu composites with more addition of Zn. Yang, Q., Shen, Y., Liu, J., Wang, L., Chen, Z., Wang, M.L., Zhong, S.Y*., Wu, Y., Wang, H.W., Journal of Alloys and Compounds 816, 2020, 152584.
  • A new powder metallurgy routine to fabricate TiB2/Al–Zn–Mg–Cu nanocomposites based on composite powders with pre-embedded nanoparticles. Q. Yang, Y. Ma, Z. Chen*, G. Ji, M. L. Wang, S. Y. Zhong*, Y. Wu, V. Ji, H. W. Wang, Materialia 8, 100458 (2019)
  • Microstructure evolution of the rapidly solidified alloy powders and composite powders. Q. Yang, Y. T. Liu, J. Liu, L. Wang, Z. Chen*, M. L. Wang, S. Y. Zhong*, Y. Wu, H. W. Wang, Materials & Design 182, 108045 (2019)
  • Microstructure and mechanical response of TiB2/Al-Zn-Mg-Cu composites with more addition of Zn, Q Yang, Y Shen, J Liu, L Wang, Z Chen, ML Wang, SY Zhong, Y Wu, HW Wang, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 2019, 152584
  • Cube orientation bands observed in largely deformed Al-Sc alloys containing shearable precipitates,C.Y. Dan, Z. Chen⁎, G. Ji, S.Y. Zhong⁎, J. Li, X.R. Li, F. Brisset, G.A. Sun, H.W. Wang, V. Ji,Scripta Materialia 166 (2019) 139-143
  • Improved structural homogeneity and mechanical properties of nanoparticles reinforced Al composites after orthogonal thermomechanical processes. Liu, Jun, Zhe Chen, Fengguo Zhang, Gang Ji, Yu Ma, Mingliang Wang, Shengyi Zhong*, Jian Li, Hong Wang, and Haowei Wang. Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2018). 767:293-301.
  • Multi-scale study of microstructure evolution in hot extruded nano-sized TiB 2 particle reinforced aluminum composites, Z Chen, GA Sun, Y Wu, MH Mathon, A Borbely, D Chen, G Ji, ML Wang, SY Zhong*, HW Wang, Materials & Design, 116(2017) 577-590
  • Structural, elastic and thermodynamic properties of Mo3Si and Mo3Ge, S.Y. Zhong, Z.Chen*, M.L. Wang*, Dong Chen, Eur. Phys. J. B, 89(1): 1-10, 2016
  • Modeling of structural hardening of oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) ferritic alloys, S.Y. Zhong, V. Klosek*, Y. de Carlan, M.H. Mathon, J. Mater. Sci, 51(2016)2540-2549
  • The effects of nanosized particles on microstructural evolution of an in-situ TiB2/6063Al composite produced by friction stir processing, Z. Chen, J. Li, A. Borbely, G. Ji , S.Y. Zhong*, Y. Wu, M.L. Wang, H.W. Wang, Mater. Design. 88 (2015) 999-1007
  • Effect of Cr content and heat-treatment on the High temperature strength of eutectic Al-Si alloys, Y. Yang, S.Y. Zhong*, Z. Chen, M. Wang, N. Ma, H. W. Wang, J. Alloy. Compd, 647 (2015) 63-69
  • The effect of Y/ti ratio on oxide precipitate evolution in ODS fe-14 wt. Pct. Cr alloys. S.Y. Zhong*, J. Ribis, N. Lochet, Y. de Carlan, V. Klosek, V. Ji, M.H. Mathon, Metall. Mater. Trans A, 46 (2015) 1413-1418
  • Influence of nano-particle coherency degree on the coarsening resistivity of the nano-oxide particles of Fe-14Cr-1W ODS alloys. S.Y. Zhong*, J. Ribis, N. Lochet, Y. de Carlan, V. Klosek, M.H. Mathon, J. Nucl. Mater. 455(2014) 618-623
  • The effect of Ti/Y ratio on the recrystallisation behaviour of Fe-14%Cr oxide dispersion-strengthened alloys, S.Y. Zhong*, J. Ribis, T. Baudin, N. Lochet, Y. de Carlan, V. Klosek, M.H. Mathon, J. Nucl. Mater. 452 (2014) 359-363
  • Study of the thermal stability of nanoparticle distributions in an oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) ferritic alloys S.Y. Zhong*, J. Ribis, V. Klosek, Y. de Carlan, N. Lochet, V. Ji, M.H. Mathon, J. Nucl. Mater, 428 (2012) 154-159
  • Grazing-incidence small angle neutron scattering achieved in spectrometer SANS-Suanni of transmission geometry, Jie Chen, Lizhao Huang, Tingting Yang, Chaowen Yang, Shengyi Zhong, Guangai Sun, Guanyun Yan, Dong Liu,Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Section A,1051(2023)168228
  • Processing Laue Microdiffraction Raster Scanning Patterns with Machine Learning Algorithms: A Case Study with a Fatigued Polycrystalline Sample, Peng Rong, Fengguo Zhang*, Qing Yang, Han Chen, Qiwei Shi, Shengyi Zhong, Zhe Chen and Haowei Wang, materials, 2022, 15, 1502.
  • The effect of TiB2 ceramic particles on Portevin–Le Chatelier behavior of TiB2/AlMg metal matrix composites, Han Chen, Zhe Chen, Yuchi Cui, Lei Wang, Mingliang Wang, Jun Liu, Shengyi Zhong, Haowei Wang, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 14(2021)2302-2311
  • Residual-based pattern center calibration in high-resolution electron backscatter diffraction, Hongru Zhong, Qiwei Shi, Zhe Chen, Chengyi Dan, Shengyi Zhong, Haowei Wang, Micron 146, 2021,103081
  • Microstructural evolution and mechanical property of nanoparticles reinforced Al matrix composites during accumulative orthogonal extrusion process. Liu, J., Chen, Z., Zhang, F., Ji, G., Zhong, S., Wu, Y., Wang, M., Sun, G., Wang, H., 2019. Materials Characterization 155, 109790.
  • Microstructure evolution of the TiB2/Al composites fabricated by powder metallurgy during hot extrusion. Yang, Q., Cheng, D.L., Liu, J., Wang, L., Chen, Z., Wang, M.L., Zhong, S.Y., Wu, Y., Ji, G., Wang, H.W., 2019. Materials Characterization 155, 109834.
  • Strain measurement of particle-reinforced composites at the microscale: An approach towards concurrent characterization of strain and microstructure,F Zhang, Z Chen, S Zhong, H Chen, J Liu, Q Yang, H Wang,Micron 121(2019)33-42.
  • Degradation of the recoverable strain during stress controlled full transformation cycling in NiTi shape memory alloys,Yahui Zhang,Weichen Li、Ziad Moumni,Jihong Zhu,Weihong Zhang,Sheng-Yi Zhong,Scripta Materialia,165(2019)68-71.
  • Simultaneously increasing strength and ductility of nanoparticles reinforced Al composites via accumulative orthogonal extrusion process, J Liu, Z Chen, F Zhang, G Ji, M Wang, Y Ma, V Ji, S Zhong, Y Wu, H Wang, Materials Research Letters 6 (2018) 406-412.
  • Microstructure of multi-pass friction-stir-processed Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys reinforced by nano-sized TiB2 particles and the effect of T6 heat treatment, X Ju, F Zhang, Z Chen, G Ji, M Wang, Y Wu, S Zhong, H Wang, Metals 7 (2017) 530.
  • Microstructure study of cold rolling nanosized in-situ TiB2 particle reinforced Al composites,CY Dan, Z Chen*, G Ji, SH Zhong, Y Wu*, F Brisset, HW Wang, V Ji, Materials & Design, 130(2017) 357-365.
  • Quantitative study of particle size distribution in an in-situ grown Al–TiB2 composite by synchrotron X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy, Y. Tang, Z.Chen*, A.Borbély, G.Ji, S.Y.Zhong, D.Schryvers, V.Ji, H.W.Wang, Mater. Charact, 102 (2015) 131-136.
  • The roles of geometry and topology structures of graphite fillers on thermal conductivity of the graphite/aluminum composites, C. Zhou, D. Chen, X.B. Zhang, Z. Chen*, S.Y. Zhong, Y. Wu, G. Ji, H.W. Wang, Phys. Lett. A, 379 (2015) 452-457.
  • Microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir processed Al–Mg–Si alloys dispersion-strengthened by nanosized TiB2 particles, S.M. Ma, P. Zhang, G. Ji, Z. Chen*, G.A. Sun, S.Y. Zhong, V. Ji, H.W. Wang, J. Alloy. Compd, 616 (2014) 128-136.
  • Influence of the low interfacial density energy on the coarsening resistivity of the nano-oxide particles in Ti-added ODS material, J. Ribis*, M.-L. Lescoat, S.Y. Zhong, M.-H. Mathon, Y. de Carlan, J. Nucl. Mater, 442 (2013) 101-105.
  • Small angle neutron scattering study of martensitic/ferritic ODS alloys, M.H. Mathon*, M. Perrut, S.Y. Zhong, Y. de Carlan, J. Nucl. Mater, 428 (2012) 147-153.
  • A study of nuclear of interest martensitic steels and FeCr ODS alloys using small angle neutron scattering, M.H. Mathon*, Y. de Carlan, S.Y. Zhong, J. Henry, P. Olier, V. Klosek, V. Ji, Mater Sci Forum, 675-677 (2011) 815-818.
  • HETU: a new high-resolution stress and texture neutron diffractometer at China Mianyang Research Reactor,B. Wang, S. Zhong*, H. Lin, A. Goukassov, Z. Yang, J. Li and G. – Sun, Journal of Applied Crystallography (2023). 56, 1674-1682
  • Measuring texture-component-dependent stress of CuZn39Pb2 by neutron diffraction, Haoyu Zhai, Chuhao Liu, Xiaoqing Shang, Huamiao Wang, Marie-Helene Mathon, Shengyi Zhong, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 270(2024)109109.
  • Microstructural design to Al-6Mg-5Gd alloy for the unification of structural and neutron shielding properties, Chen Yang, Jie Huang, Kangbao Wang, Yang Li, Mingliang Wang, Zhe Chen, Shengyi Zhong, Xianfeng Li, Haowei Wang,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 988(2024)174236


  • 2015年上海交通大学“烛光奖”一等奖
  • 2017年上海市教学成果一等奖(排2)
  • 2017年上海交通大学教学成果一等奖(排1)
  • 2018年上海交通大学教书育人奖三等奖
  • 2019年上海交通大学教学成果一等奖(排3)
  • 2021年上海交通大学教学成果二等奖(排1)
  • 2022年上海交通大学“佳和”优秀教学奖


  • 2020年上海交通大学“三八红旗手”称号
  • 2022年上海市东方学者特聘教授