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Andrés A. León Baldelli
Permanent CNRS Researcher
121 Rue Didot, 75014, Paris, FR


  • 1970 ~ 至今,Doctoral degree in Mechanics (très honorable) from “Pierre et Marie Curie” University 博士
  • 1970 ~ 至今,Masters degree (cum laude) in Mechanical Engineering, “La Sapienza” University of Rome, Roma, IT 硕士


  • 2016 ~ 至今,Permanent CNRS Researcher (CR), IMSIA National Lab (UMR 9219 CNRS-EDF-CEAENSTA) Permanent CNRS Researcher (CR), IMSIA National Lab (UMR 9219 CNRS-EDF-CEAENSTA)
  • 2014 ~ 2015,PDRA at OxPDE, Mathematical Institute, Oxford University, Oxford, UK Mentor: Prof. Sir John M. Ball Topic: description of singularities in liquid crystals: modelling, justification, analysis, and numerical computation. PDRA at OxPDE, Mathematical Institute, Oxford University, Oxford, UK Mentor: Prof. Sir John M. Ball Topic: description of singularities in liquid crystals: modelling, justification, analysis, and numerical computation.
  • 2013 ~ 2014,PDRA at the Center for Computation & Technology, Louisiana State University, LA, USA. PDRA at the Center for Computation & Technology, Louisiana State University, LA, USA.