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Ecole Polytechnique


  • Course Name: Incompressible fluid mechanics A) Pr. Antoine Sellier Currently teaching at Ecole Polytechnique two different courses: "Compressible Flow" and "Low-Reynolds-Number flow" Laboratory: LadHyX, Ecole Polytechnique
  • Asymptotic analysis in Fluid Mechanics
  • Boundary Integral Equations with applications in Fluid Meachnics
  • MagnetoHydrodynamics (impurities remouval in three-dimensional flows of suspensions involving insulating or conducting solid particles)
  • Stokes flows and applications to suspensions (sedimentation, effective viscosity of dilute suspensions in Poiseuille or Couette flow)
  • Creeping free surface flows and bubbles
  • Boundary conditions for complex surfaces and interfaces (Navier slip condition, Beaver and Joseph boundary condition)


  • Guermond, J. L. and Sellier, A. 1991 A unified lifting-line theory. J. Fluid. Mech. 229, 427-451.
  • Olendraru, C. and Sellier, A. 2002 Viscous effects in the absolute--convective instability of the Batchelor vortex. J. Fluid. Mech. 459, 371 - 396.
  • Moffatt, H.K. and Sellier, A. 2002 Migration of an insulating particle under the action of uniform ambient electric and magnetic fields. Part 1. General theory. J. Fluid. Mech.} 464, 279-286.
  • Sellier, A. 2003 Migration of an insulating particle under the action of uniform am-bient electric and magnetic fields. Part Boundary formulation and ellipsoidal particles. J. Fluid. Mech. 488, 335-353.
  • Ueda, Y.; Sellier, A.; Kida, T. \& Nakanishi, M. 2003 On the low Reynolds number flow about two rotating circular cylinders.J. Fluid. Mech. 495, 255-281.
  • Sellier, A. 2004 On the capillary motion of arbitrary clusters of spherical bubbles.Part 1. General theory. J. Fluid. Mech. 504, 391-401.
  • Pigeonneau, F. and Sellier, A. 2011 Low-Reynolds-Number gravity-driven migration and deformation of bubbles near a free surface Physics of Fluids 23, 092102.
  • Khabthani S., Sellier A., Elasmi L. and Feuillebois F. 2012 Motion of a solid particle in a shear flow along a porous slab. J. Fluid. Mech. 713, 271-306.
  • Felderhof B. U. and Sellier, A. 2012 Mobility matrix of a spherical particle translating and rotating in a viscous fluid confined in a spherical cell, and the rate of escape from the cell. J. Chem. Phys. 136, 054703.
  • Feuillebois, F., Ekiel-Jezewska, M., Wajnryb, E., Sellier, A. and Blawzdziewicz, J. 2014.High-frequency viscosity of a dilute suspension of elongated particles in a linear shear flow between two wallsJ. Fluid Mech. 764, 133- 147.