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Philippe CIBLAT
Telecom Paris


  • 2007 ~ 至今,Université Paris-Est at Marne-la-Vallée
  • 2000 ~ 至今,Université Paris-Est at Marne-la-Vallée 博士
  • 1996 ~ 至今,Université Paris-Sud 硕士
  • 1970 ~ 至今,Télécom ParisTech (formerly, École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications- ENST) 学士


  • 2011 ~ 至今,Télécom ParisTech Full Professor
  • 2001 ~ 2010,Télécom ParisTech Associate Professor
  • 2000 ~ 2001,Université de Louvain (UCL, Belgium) Postdoctoral researcher Title : Semi-blind frequency offset estimation in various wireless communications systems.
  • 1996 ~ 2000,Université de Marne-la-Vallée Thesis with Université de Marne-la-Vallée under supervision of Prof. Philippe Loubaton. Title : A few estimation issues dealing with non-cooperative telecommunications.
  • 1996 ~ 1996,ENST M.Sc. Thesis with ENST under supervision of Prof. Pierre Duhamel. Title : H1 optimization of paraunitary filters bank.
  • 1995 ~ 1995,Université de Louvain (UCL, Belgium) Engineer Training with Université de Louvain (UCL, Belgium) under supervision of Prof.Benoît Macq. Title : Local Interpolation in image wavelet decomposition.


    Course Name: Coding and modulation


  • N. Nguyen-Thanh, P. Ciblat, S. Maleki, and V.-T. Nguyen : How many bits to report in quantizedcooperative spectrum sensing, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 4, no. 5, pp.465-468, October 2015.
  • F. Iutzeler, P. Ciblat, and J. Jakubowicz : Analysis of max-consensus algorithms in wirelesschannels, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 60, no. 11, pp. 6103-6107, November2012.
  • F. Kharrat-Kammoun, C. Le Martret and P. Ciblat : Performance analysis of IR-UWB in multiuserenvironment, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 8, no. 11, pp. 5552-5563, November 2009.
  • P. Ciblat, P. Bianchi and M. Ghogho : Training Sequence Optimization for joint Channel andFrequency Offset estimation, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 56, no. 8, pp. 3424-3436, August 2008.
  • P. Ciblat, P. Loubaton, E Serpedin and G.B. Giannakis : Asymptotic analysis of blind Cycliccorrelation based symbol rate estimation, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 48,no. 7, pp. 1922-1934, July 2002.