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SPEIT Holds Mid-Term Military Training Visit for 2024 Students

09.06/2024 1235

Enhance the concept of national defense/stimulate patriotic enthusiasm

Freshman military training

Mid-term condolences

On the afternoon of September 6, the mid-term condolences of the 2024 students of the Paris Excellence Engineering Institute were held in the 205 lecture hall of the Sino-French building. Chen Cailian, Secretary of the Party Committee of the College, Yao Xue, Deputy Secretary, Lv Jiangying, Director of the Student Work Office, Chen Chun, Deputy Instructor of the 27th Company of the Third Battalion, Tu Haitao, Deputy Company Commander, Zhou Xiangyu, a participating teacher of the College, and Wu Han, a counselor, attended the meeting, and all the students of the College participated. The event was presided over by Deputy Secretary Yao Xue.



The condolences activities began with the military training video shot and edited by Zhong Qile and Wang Yingyue of the political work group. The video records the bits and pieces of the students' participation in the training, from the tense training scene to the relaxed rest time, every frame is full of youthful atmosphere and unremitting efforts. The elegant soundtrack and exquisite pictures complemented each other, winning bursts of laughter and resonance from the teachers and students present.




Immediately afterwards, the small squad leaders performed a wonderful queue performance. Under the command of He Bingyu, the whole team member, and Tao Yufei, the commander, their steps were sonorous and powerful, and their movements were precise and in place, which fully demonstrated the training results and the spirit of teamwork since the military training, and won the warm applause of the teachers and students present.



Secretary Chen Cailian expressed her cordial condolences to the participating teachers and students. She said that judging from the joyful and harmonious atmosphere of the scene, military training is an excellent fusion agent. The students have quickly "broken the ice", broken the strange state, established friendships and mingled. She encouraged the students to continue to maintain a positive attitude and enthusiasm in the coming days, and to transform the discipline, responsibility and sense of collective honor cultivated in the military training into a motivation for learning and a guide for life.



Zhu Anran, the representative of the 2024 class of students, delivered a speech. She affectionately expressed her gratitude to the instructors, teachers, volunteers, seniors and logistics team, and shared her profound experience in the process of military training. She said that behind the seemingly simple military training actions, there are countless repetitions and self-correction efforts. These experiences not only taught her patience and perseverance, perseverance and perseverance, but also made her deeply appreciate the importance of teamwork.



Zhou Xiangyu, the representative of the participating teachers, expressed his feelings about the training with humorous language. She mentioned that she was glad to see that every student had found their place in military training, contributed their unique energy, and showed the demeanor of Chinese and French students. I hope that the students can always maintain this passion and vitality and overcome the difficulties on the road ahead. She borrowed the motto of the partner school, École Polytechnique de Paris, "Pour la patrie, les sciences et la gloire" (for the motherland, science and honour) to encourage the students to stay true to their original aspirations and continue to work hard!



The college and the family association prepared a carefully selected condolence package for all the participating teachers and students. Secretary Chen Cailian personally presented condolences to the military training instructors, instructors, participating teachers and student representatives, and expressed her sincere thanks and blessings to them.






Finally, under the leadership of the small class leaders Zhao Rong and Huang Zihe, the students were divided into two classes to sing, showing full of vitality and style.







The mid-term condolences have injected impetus and vitality into the second half of the military training, and the students of the Paris École des Études Excellence will devote themselves to the next training with a more high-spirited attitude, not relaxing, not slacking off, constantly surpassing themselves, pursuing excellence, and meeting the final victory of military training!




Strengthen the concept of national defense

Inspire patriotic fervor




Source: Student Affairs Office

Wu Han, Wang Yingyue, Bao Chenchen

Editor-in-charge|Zhou Xiangyu


